
wtorek, 6 marca 2012

Marzipan’s debut

A few months ago I bought small muffin liners but couldn’t decide how to use them. And as the Christmas time is perfect for culinary experiments I decided to make marzipan pralines. I must admit they were delicious and no one guessed than inside I put potatoes!

Ingredients (make about 50 pralines)
9 oz (250 g) cooked and mashed potatoes
5 oz (150 g) sugar
9 oz (250 g) powder sugar + some to coat pralines with
2,5 oz (70 g) ground almonds
2,5 oz (70 g) chopped walnuts
2 tbsp brandy
about ½ teaspoon almond aroma (or to taste)
pinch salt
dark chocolate bar

In a pot heat up mashed potatoes on a low heat for about 20 min. (you should get a kind of apple mousse consistency). Hot potato mixture mix with powder sugar and remaining ingredients. Place aside to cool down. Using a teaspoon shape praline’s balls, coat each with the powder sugar. Melt the chocolate in a hot-water bath or in microwave (chocolate should be liquid all the time), dip each potato praline in hot chocolate and place on a parchment. Leave pralines in a cold place so the chocolate will get hard. You can decorate pralines with white chocolate, walnuts…

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