
niedziela, 22 stycznia 2012

Soy milk chocolate pudding

Since a while I’m trying to limit the amount of milk I’m drinking ( it sounds so serious....). I’m a big diary lover so you can imagine how hard it is for me! Some kind alternative for me is the soy milk. When I saw this recipe ( why on Earth I didn’t create it by myself!) of soy milk pudding, I didn’t wait any longer!
It is strongly chocolate with a note of nuts ( characteristic taste of vanilla soy milk and peanut butter), just delicious and ready in 2 minutes!

2 cup vanilla soy milk
1 ½ tbsp corn starch
1 teaspoon potato flour
6 cubes of dark chocolate
2 tbsp cocoa
2 tbsp peanut butter
pinch salt

Corn starch and potato flour whisk with the milk. Heat it with the rest of ingredients whisking all the time, until boiling. After 30 sec. pour the pudding to already prepared dessert bowls. Serve warm or cold.

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